Decalogue of Evaluation from a Gender Perspective

The Sustainable Development Goals represent an ambitious development agenda towards the year 2030.  Monitoring and evaluation will play a central role in ensuring and supporting effective compromise and implementation at country level.  This major challenge also represents an opportunity to overcome gender blindness in evaluations that perpetuates and even reinforces gender inequalities. Reducing gender gaps is not only a matter of justice, but a key factor to boost development, productivity and poverty reduction.

The launch of Evalgender+ in Katmandu inspired a group of women from different Spanish-speaking countries to produce a DECALOGUE OF EVALUATION FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE.  This Decalogue offers input to include a gender perspective in evaluations and to help avoid the evaporation and technocratization of gender issues in the policy and practice of evaluation.

We are pleased to share the Decalogue with the EvalGender+ community and invite all to give us your feedback and comments.

This is a contribution by:

Fabiola Amariles and Silvia Salinas (LA&C Network of Women in Management REDWIM),

Julia Espinosa and María Bustelo (Gender Group of European Evaluation Society EES),

Alejandra Faúndez and Marisa Weinstein (Gender, Evaluation and Human Rights group of LA&C Network of Evaluation ReLAC).

Spanish version:
English version: