Current Board of Directors
Click on images to view biographies.
Executive Committee

Khalil Bitar

Chelladurai Solomon

Andrealisa Belzer

President (MENA Representative)
Khalil Bitar
Khalil Bitar is a Planning, Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (PMEL) expert with over 15 years of experience working with international organizations, government institutions, and NGOs. He currently leads Learning, Monitoring, and Evaluation at the Wyss Academy for Nature at the University of Bern. His expertise spans equity and social justice in evaluation, national evaluation systems, evaluation capacity development, youth participatory evaluation, evaluation in conflict settings, and decolonizing evaluation practices. Throughout his career, he has made significant contributions to national, regional, and global evaluation initiatives, such as the Palestinian Evaluation Association (Founder), EvalMENA Network (Board Member and Conference Organizer), EvalYouth Global Network (Co-founder), Decade of Evaluation for Action––Eval4Action––Campaign (Co-founder), International Evaluation Academy (Founding Trustee), International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation IOCE (President), and EvalPartners (Co-Chair). Khalil holds an advanced master’s degree in Development Evaluation and Management from the Institute of Development Policy at the University of Antwerp. He conducted his doctoral research at the Willy Brandt School of the University of Erfurt, focusing on equity and social justice in assessment and evaluation. His dedication to advancing the evaluation field is also reflected in his research, publications, and teaching of multiple evaluation courses.

Vice President (Asia Representative))
Chelladurai Solomon
Chelladurai Solomon is a researcher and evaluator over the last 30 years and contributes as a Development Management Consultant based in Bangalore (India). Solomon has postgraduate degrees in Sociology (India), Business Management (India) and Rural Policy & Planning (Netherlands).
He is a Founder & Director and the present Chairperson of the Evaluation Society – Community of Evaluators South Asia (CoE-SA). He has also been a long-time associate of international Consulting Groups like South Research, Belgium and New Economy Development Group, Canada. He is a specialist and experienced in Rural Policy and Planning, Child Rights & Development, and Livelihoods & Social Enterprises.
He has served many years as National and Regional Consultants for INGOs (Cordaid-Netherlands and VIC-Belgium), providing PMEL support to individual/cluster of their national (India) and regional (Pan Asia) NGOs and Network partners. He has also undertaken several mid-term or project-end evaluations as Lead Evaluator and Associate Evaluator of CBOs, NGOs, INGOs, Advocacy and Network programs & projects in India, South Asia, Asia and West Africa. His recent publication is on social enterprises, titled “Social Enterprise Start-up – Manual for Beginners”.

Treasurer (North America Representative)
Andrealisa Belzer
Andrealisa Belzer, CE, is employed with the Atlantic Region of Indigenous Services Canada. She also participates in EvalIndigenous and the Blue Marble Evaluation Network. She embraces evaluative practice that facilitates social and ecological thrivability.
Board of Trustees

Anna Harutyunyan

Alena Lappo

Kwadwo Adusei Asante

Rajib Nandi

Qudratullah Jahid

Alyna Wyatt

Claudine Morier

Miché Ouédraogo


Brenda Bucheli

Natalia Aquilino

Eurasia Representative
Anna Harutyunyan
Anna HARUTYUNYAN – has master degree in Sociology, she is the 2013 alumni of International Program for Development Evaluation Training (IPDET).
Anna has more than 15 years’ experience in social research and M&E in the sphere of education, public health, youth, etc. in public, private and CSO sectors both locally and internationally, with strong knowledge of quantitative research design. Anna is an expert in research ethics and M&E system development.
From 2017 till June 2019 Anna chaired the coordination board of Eurasian Alliance of National Evaluation Associations and currently are in the advisory board of the Alliance.
She is a co-chair of EvalYouthECA and chair of Armenian Monitoring and Evaluation Association and board member of ethical committee.

Eurasia Representative
Alena Lappo
Alena LAPPO is an evaluation specialist with eight years of analysis and research experience in the public and private sectors. She is a Board Member of the European Evaluation Society and the leader of the European Emerging Evaluators (yEES!) network, which is the European Chapter of EvalYouth. Currently, she is a Value for Money Specialist with the OECD, while, previously, she conducted and managed evaluations in the World Bank and FAO, and also worked on results-based management in IFAD.

Australia/New Zealand/Maori VOPEs Representative
Kwadwo Adusei Asante
Kwadwo is an evaluative research and community development professional with over 15 years international experience, mainly in Australia, Ghana, The Netherlands and Sri Lanka. He has expertise in building evaluations systems for not-for-profit organisations. In the last decade, he has led and been part of teams that have developed and managed high-level, agency-wide strategic multi-site best-practice research projects, evaluation system development, stakeholder engagements, policy analysis and service and systems audits. These projects largely advised and provided insights on matters relating to strategic directions, operational and business area performance for Universities, CEOs, Corporate Executives, Project Directors and Policymakers. As a Chief Investigator, he has received project and research funding of over a million dollars in the last decade. He has produced almost 100 publications in project reports, journal articles, book chapters, conference papers, theses and presentations and achieved eight PHD completions.

Representative from CoE-SA.
Rajib Nandi
Rajib Nandi is a development researcher and evaluator with 25 years of experience in program designing and gender transformative evaluation. Dr. Nandi had previously worked with Institute of Social Studies Trust, New Delhi and presently he heads the capacity development vertical at Sambodhi Research Communications, India.
He obtained M.Phil in Applied Economics from the Centre for Development Studies, Trivandrum and Ph.D. in Sociology for Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. He is an IPDET alumni from Bern University, Switzerland.
In his career, Dr. Nandi has collaborated with renowned international organizations to address urban and rural livelihoods, women’s economic empowerment, political ecology, and social and solidarity economies.
Rajib has authored many papers and edited books. He recently co-edited a book entitled “Local wisdom Matters: Reflections on Evaluation Theory and Practice from South Asia”. Previously, he co-edited books entitled “Recognizing Connectedness: The Practice of Feminist Evaluation” and Voices and Values: The Politics of Feminist Evaluation.
He is also the Co-Founder and Co-Leader of Evaluation Community of India and council member of International Evaluation Academy. He also serves on the Editorial Board of the international journal – Evaluation and Program Planning.

Qudratullah Jahid
Qudratullah Jahid is an accomplished monitoring, evaluation, research, and learning specialist with a strong background in bilateral and multilateral development organisations, including DFAT, USAID, the World Bank and UN agencies in the Asia Pacific. His focus areas include MEL frameworks and systems, third-party monitoring, mixed methods evaluations, and evaluation capacity building.
In 2013, Qudratullah co-founded the Afghan Evaluation Society, a national organization dedicated to promoting the MEL agenda in Afghanistan. He has been part of initiatives enhancing transparency and accountability in the development sector. His key volunteer focus has been building young professionals’ capacity through the EvalYouth Global Network, where he has served as a Board Member.
Qudratullah currently lives in Melbourne and works as an independent MEL consultant. He has been a Board Member/Vice President at the Asia Pacific Evaluation Association since 2022, currently serving his second term (2024-2025).

American Evaluation Association (AEA) Representative
Alyna Wyatt
Alyna is the Senior Advisor, Impact and Learning at the BHP Foundation where her role is to support the Foundation to achieve its desired impact, through sustainable and scalable system change.
She believes in a utilization focused approach to measurement, evaluation and learning, and emphasises the importance that all such efforts must culminate in insights for the improved design and implementation of future policy and interventions to be value-adding. She has worked in emerging contexts rife with complexity and ambiguity.
Prior to joining the BHP Foundation, she was a Managing Partner at Genesis Analytics, a leading African economics and development consulting firm, where responsibilities included both firm wide strategy, growth and transformation as well as leading a team of 20 specialist evaluation practitioners serving a variety of clients from Foundations to international NGOs and impact investors and development finance institutions.
She has held a variety of leadership roles in different industry bodies including as the Treasurer of the South African Monitoring and Evaluation Association (SAMEA) from 2015 – 2019, on the Social Impact Measurement (SIM) TIG leadership, including Chair in final year (2017 – 2020), and on the AEA Financial Advisors to the Board (FAB), from 2020 – 2022.

Claudine Morier
Swiss independent evaluator with more than 12 years experience. Before setting up her own business, she worked for two evaluation and consultancy firms and joined the Swiss Federal Audit Office (the Confederation’s highest supervisory authority) as an evaluator and project manager, where she stayed for over six years.
Claudine is specialized in public policy evaluation and holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science and a Master’s degree in Public Management & Policy. She has extensive experience of managing complex, multidimensional and cross-disciplinary projects, using qualitative, quantitative and participatory methods. Claudine acquired extensive expertise in a wide range of areas, including social and health policies, energy, agriculture and environmental policies, regulatory impact assessments and federalism.
From the start of her career, Claudine Morier has been involved in developing the profession of evaluator. She organised workshops on behalf of the Swiss Evaluation Society (SEVAL) to raise awareness of evaluation among cantonal authorities, before joining its board of directors in 2018. From 2019 to 2023, she was a vice-president of the Réseau francophone d’évaluation (RFE), where she was particularly involved in building the capacity of national evaluation associations, publishing professional resources in French and organising the International Francophone Forum on Evaluation (FIFE2021 & 2023). She continues to lead the RFE’s professionalization working group.

Miché Ouédraogo
Dr. Miché Ouédraogo is Associate Professor at African Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CESAG), Dakar, Senegal in project, program and public policy evaluation and CEO of Performance initiative internationale. Prior to this, he worked as a Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist at the World Bank, with the Independent Evaluation Group (IEG) and the Global Evaluation Initiative (GEI), and as an Evaluation Capacity Development Specialist with the Evaluation Unit of the African Development Bank (AfDB). He also worked at the Center for research and expertise in evaluation (CREXE) in Quebec, Canada, where he contributed to several evaluation mandates in Canada.
As principal consultant and associate consultant, he has participated in the evaluation of over fifteen (15) development programs in francophone Africa (Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Niger, Mauritania, Chad, Guinea Conakry, Côte d’Ivoire, Gabon, Burundi, Madagascar, Djibouti, the Comoros Islands, etc.), Guinea Bissau and Canada.
Dr Miché Ouédraogo holds a PhD in public administration, specializing in public policy analysis and management, from the National School of Public Administration (ÉNAP – Quebec, Canada), a Master degree in Project Management from the African Institute of Management (IAM), a Master’s degree in Economics and Management Sciences from the University of Koudougou (UK) and a Bachelor’s degree in Statistics from the Higher Institute of Population Sciences (ISSP) of the University of Ouagadougou (UO)-Burkina Faso.
He is the author of a published book on participatory evaluation and co-author of several scientific articles and book chapters on evaluation.
On the academic front, he is a lecturer on the Master’s degree in program evaluation at the National School of Public Administration (ÉNAP – Quebec, Canada), the MBA in project management and the Master’s degree in policy, project and program evaluation (ME3P) at the African Center for Advanced Studies in Management (CESAG), in Dakar.
He was a founding member of the Eval-Youth network, co-coordinator of the Francophone network of emerging evaluators (RF-Ee) and co-coordinator of the AfrEA network of emerging evaluators.

Isaac Kiwango is a management consultant with over eighteen years of professional experience, much of which has been in consultancy services. His key skills are in conducting applied research and program evaluations, designing monitoring and evaluation frameworks, training of senior management teams in designing monitoring dashboards, evaluation of leadership development programs, institutional development and training in the areas of leadership development, performance management, relational database developments, data and information systems development, social networking strategies, data management and software evaluations. He has conducted applied research and evaluation on a broad range of issues, including public health, antipoverty initiatives, leadership development, human resource, the environment, training, agricultural sector, criminal justice, international development, community development, systems change, policy effectiveness, managing for results, performance indicators, and effective governance. He has worked with organizations and programs at the international, national, regional, and local levels and with philanthropic, not-for-profit, private sector, international agency, and government programs. He has worked with people from many different cultures and perspectives. Isaac has vast experience in and knowledge of public reform programs. He was involved in the rollout and implementation of the famous public service reform program between year 2000 and 2010 where he assisted in rolling out the computerized M&E system in eleven leading ministries of the government of Tanzania and train staff in the usage of the system. He is particularly well-versed in training civil and public servants.

ReLAC Representative
Brenda Bucheli
Social psychologist with a Master’s degree in Human Resources and Knowledge Management and
postgraduate studies in Statistics and Information Management. Specialist in planning, monitoring and
evaluation of development interventions, individual and organizational capacity development, and
information and knowledge management. I have 30 years of professional experience in various public and
private sector institutions at national and international levels. I have held various technical and high-level
management positions (Director of the NGO Pact Peru, President of the Peruvian Evaluation Network –
EvalPeru, and Director of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for Sustainability Project – USAID MELS).
Extensive consulting experience – more than 60 contracts, successfully managed in Peru and Latin America
from 2005 to present. Twenty years of experience with USAID projects and relevant experience in
environment, climate change adaptation, nutrition, livelihoods, and rural development. Active participation
in professional networks; founder of EvalPeru and RELAC. ReLAC General Coordinator (2024-2027). Since
2006, I have been teaching in graduate M&E programs (Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Perú and
Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia). Recipient of the Molly Hageboeck Award for Excellence in
Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (2024) in the category of Advancement in MEL Training and Capacity

Professionalization Task Force Member
Natalia Aquilino
Natalia Aquilino is a political scientist and evaluation specialist. She has managerial experience in the governmental (Government of Argentina) and social sectors (CIPPEC, Evaluar), in the international intergovernmental sphere (UN, UNDP, UNEP) and in the high-tech industry (Neoris, Telecom Personal). She led multidisciplinary teams in Latin America and Argentina and managed expert knowledge in social and productive development, education, security and technology. She participated in international and intercultural research teams and change management processes for most of her career. Natalia led more than 30 impact, outcome and process evaluation, designed M&E systems and advised on evaluation policies in Latin America and Argentina. Her research agenda includes evaluability of government programs, M&E systems design, policy influence strategies and accountability. She is a strong advocate for institutionalization of evaluation. Currently, she is M&E National Director at the Secretary for Industrial Development of the Ministry of Economy in the Government of Argentina.
Non-Voting Board Members

Jim Rugh

Volunteer VOPE Membership Coordinator
Jim Rugh
Jim Rugh has been professionally involved for 54 years in international development, working in Africa, Asia and Appalachia, with frequent visits to other parts of the world. For the past 38 years he has specialized in international program evaluation. From 1995 to 2007 he served as head of Design, Monitoring and Evaluation for Accountability and Learning for CARE International, responsible for promoting strategies for enhanced evaluation capacity throughout that world-wide organization.
Jim is recognized as a leader in the international evaluation profession. From 2008 to 2011 he served as the American Evaluation Association (AEA) Representative to the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE), the global umbrella of national and regional professional evaluation associations, where, as Vice President, he was an active member of the Executive Committee. From 2012 through 2015 he served as Coordinator of the EvalPartners Initiative that aims to strengthen evaluation capacities of and through Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) around the world. See and
Jim co-authored the popular and practical RealWorld Evaluation book (Sage 2006 and 2012, see that has been used as a textbook for many courses on research and evaluation. He has been actively involved in the American Evaluation Association since 1986, especially the International and Cross-Cultural Evaluation Topical Interest Group. In recognition of his contributions to the evaluation profession he was awarded the 2010 Alva and Gunnar Myrdal Practice Award by AEA. And in 2015 he was awarded a lifetime professional achievement award by IOCE and EvalPartners.
He is now retired from full-time international work, though available for short-term consultancies. His home is in Sevierville, Tennessee.
Past Presidents of IOCE

Soma De Silva

Natalia Kosheleva

Adeline Sibanda

Ziad Moussa

Silvia Salinas Mulder

Alfredo Domínguez Díaz

Past Presidents of IOCE
Soma De Silva
Soma De Silva is a former UNICEF South Asia Regional adviser on monitoring and evaluation. She pioneered the foundation of the Sri Lanka Evaluation Association and served twice as its President. She has served as the President of the International Organisation for Collaboration in Evaluation (IOCE) and as the founder co-chair of EvalPartners. Her work was instrumental in establishing a postgraduate diploma in evaluation at the University of Sri Jayawardenepura, in furtherance of professionalization of evaluation. Her recent publication “Theory of Change for Development Success: A Workbook” was a further attempt to promote academic training in evaluation.

Past Presidents of IOCE
Natalia Kosheleva
Served as the President of the International Organization for Cooperation (2013-2014) and Co-chair of EvalPartners (2013-2015). Co-chair of EvalPartners Peer-to-Peer Task Force. Recipient of EvalPartners Global Award 2017.
Natalia is an independent evaluation consultant based in Moscow, Russia. She has been working in the field of evaluation since 1996 and conducted evaluations in Russia, Central Asia and Eastern Europe. As part of her professional service Natalia served on the boards of the International Program Evaluation Network and the Russian Evaluation Association.

Past Presidents of IOCE
Adeline Sibanda
Adeline Sibanda is the Founder and Managing Director of ADESIM Developments. Adeline has over 29 years’ experience in strategy, program design, planning, monitoring and evaluation. She is passionate about promoting the use of evaluative evidence with a decolonisation lens in all policy processes. Adeline has worked in over 23 sub-Saharan African countries with Civil Society Organisations, Community Based organisations, Governments, UN Agencies and other development partners. She is past Co-Chair of EvalPartners, Past President of the International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) and Past President of the African Evaluation Association (AfrEA). Adeline has been raising awareness and advocating for the Made In Africa Evaluation an AfrEA initiative promoting evaluation practice rooted in African contexts and priorities, as well as the South-South Cooperation in Evaluation (S2SE), an initiative of five regional evaluation associations from the Global South.

Past Presidents of IOCE
Ziad Moussa
Ziad Moussa is a multi-disciplinary development professional with an intellectual and professional passion for Evaluation. Over the past 20 years, he has managed complex multi-country evaluations across the Arab world and the Global South, in well over 40 countries and with almost every major donor on the circuit. He specializes in evaluation in fragile contexts, particularly in conflict/post-conflict settings, as well as local governance systems and processes.
His academic career at the Environment and Sustainable Development at Unit American University of Beirut was braced by Robert Chambers’ “Putting the Last First” and contextualizing the sustainable livelihoods approach to the realities of the MENA region; Outcome Mapping was the foundational element in his Eval-life back in 2004 and shaped the rest of his Eval-Journey. As such, he was the driving force behind establishing the Middle East and North Africa Evaluation Association (EvalMENA) in 2011, and was elected as President of the International Organization of Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) between 2015 and 2017 and Co-Chair of EvalPartners between 2016 and 2018. He currently takes part in the Board of Directors of the International Evaluation Academy and chairs its Policy Committee.

Past Presidents of IOCE
Silvia Salinas Mulder
Bolivian anthropologist, with a specialisation in Andean Studies and a Master’s degree in Decentralization and Public Administration. Senior consultant, researcher and evaluator in the social development sector, linked to international, governmental and civil society organisations. Recognised for her specialised though systemic and creative approaches to key poverty, development and exclusion topics, like gender, violence, rights, sexual and reproductive health, aging and adolescents. Advocator and facilitator of transformative planning, management and evaluation approaches (e.g. Theories of Change). Particularly interested in power issues in gender and intercultural relations. Internationally known as speaker and human rights activist. Author of a vast number of publications. Currently president of the Bolivian Monitoring and Evaluation Network (REDMEBOL), strongly linked to EvalGender+, and promotor of “Evaluation from the South” initiatives. In December 2017 elected president of the Latin American VOPE (RELAC).
2016 Salinas, Silvia & Amariles, Fabiola. Cultural Competence and Power Dynamics. In Evaluation: Reflections from a Gender Perspective. Evaluation Connections September 2016, special edition.
2015 with Amariles, F, Bustelo, M, Espinoza, J, Faúndez, A, and Weinstein, M. “Decalogue on Evaluation from a Gender Perspective”. Proposal developed during the launch of EvalGender+ in Katmandu, Nepal, November 2015.
2014 Salinas Mulder, S. & Amariles, F. “Latin American Feminist Perspectives on Gender Power Issues in Evaluation”. In: S. Brisolara, D. Seigart, & S. SenGupta (Eds.) Feminist Evaluation and Research: Theory and Practice. (pp. 224-254). New York: Guilford Press.
[1] You can find all my publications and papers in

Past Presidents of IOCE
Alfredo Domínguez Díaz
Alfredo Domínguez is a Mexican evaluator, dedicated to the development of evaluation skills in evaluators in young and emerging evaluators, as well as senior evaluators, a tireless promoter of the culture of evaluation.
As a consultant and evaluator, he has participated in projects of a subnational, national, and international nature, carrying out functions of coordination, analysis, and management of technological tools, as well as facilitating work groups and interviews.
He was Vice-coordinator of the Network for Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization of Latin America and the Caribbean (ReLAC) from 2021 – 2024 and Treasurer of the National Academy of Evaluators of Mexico (Aceval), he was also coordinator of the Evalyouth Mexico chapter during 2019 and 2020.
More recently, he is part of the IOCE VOPE Leadership Boot Camp team and is in charge of producing the ReLAC evaluation culture podcast.