Communication Task Force Members

The IOCE Communication Task Force focuses on highlighting the activities carried out by VOPEs and IOCE within the evaluation ecosystem, as well as developing an active community dedicated to sharing information about the achievements and activities of VOPEs. Its main objectives include implementing diverse communication strategies, such as newsletters, social media, and webinars, to disseminate relevant content and facilitate dialogue among community members. Additionally, this task force strives to create content that showcases the successes of VOPEs, providing platforms for direct interaction and promoting the exchange of experiences. To date, it has achieved significant impacts on the visibility of VOPE activities and identified challenges and opportunities that will define its next steps. It plans to expand its communication activities and strengthen community participation, inviting everyone to actively contribute and share their own stories and resources.

Coordination team:

You can contact the Task Force at the email address:


If you’re interested in being part of the task force, let us know that you’re interested clicking the join the Task force button

Working Plan

Task force participants.

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