EvalYear 2015
Global Evaluation Forum in Kathmandu, Nepal – November 2015
The culmination of over 86 global, regional and national EvalYear events was celebrated at the Global Evaluation Forum held in Kathmandu, Nepal the last week of November 2015. The Forum brought together key stakeholders to finalize EvalAgenda 2020 and to develop action plans to implement it. During the Forum, members of EvalGender and EvalYouth met to prioritize activities, identify challenges to implementation and brainstorm solutions. The Global Parliamentarians Forum was launched in Nepal with government representatives and parliamentarians supporting the initiative.International Year of Evaluation 2015 Calendar of Events (Click here to view the web version.)
ECG members light the Evaluation Torch

EvalYear resources from South Africa Posted on: March 31, 2015 EvalYear Calendar of Events EvalYear Declaration in South Africa EvalYear Launch in South Africa Photo Album EvalYear Launch Programme in South Africa EvalYear Messages to South Africa Speech by Hon Jeff Radebe Launch of EvalYear
EvalPartners Global Forum Call for Applications Posted on: March 10, 2015 Applications are being accepted for participation at the EvalPartners Global Forum which will be held on November 23rd and 24th, 2015 at the Yak and Yeti Hotel in Khatmandu, Nepal. Click here to view the application form.
The United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon lit the Evaluation Torch to celebrate 2015 the International year of Evaluation in the context of the UNEG Evaluation Week. Posted on: March 10, 2015 Ban Ki-Moon said “ I welcome the designation of 2015 as the International Year of Evaluation — the same year in which the United Nations marks its 70th anniversary and will take momentous decisions about our future prosperity, safety and well-being. Evaluation everywhere, and at every level, will play a key role in implementing the new development agenda”. He also added “Evaluation is not easy. Nor is it popular. But it is essential. The current constrained budgetary climate makes it more important than ever. All of us share a responsibility to strengthen this important function. I look forward to working with all of you to strengthen evaluation capacity so that it can play its rightful role in building lives of dignity for all.”
Invitation à participer à une consultation touchant les ‘évaluateurs émergents’ de l’espace francophone Posted on: February 3, 2015

India celebrated 2015 Evaluation Year

To celebrate the UN evaluation resolution—advocacy and collaboration at its finest—and the launch of EvalYear, Tessie Catsambas has prepared a slideshow/video from the front lines of evaluation advocacy
Evaluation Society in Bosnia and Herzegovina plan for 2015 Click here to read more.
Deborah Rugg (UNEG Chair) Discusses the UN Resolution “Building capacity for evaluation of development activities at the country level”
As we get ready to launch 2015, the International Year of Evaluation (EvalYear), we are inviting evaluators, managers and policy makers from all over the world to celebrate evaluation and the way we have linked with one another to promote the demand, supply and use of equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluation in policy and program decisions. We are creating a visible master calendar that will be published on the EvalPartners website, of gatherings on evaluation during 2015 in every part of the world. The closing gathering of 2015 will be the Global Evaluation Week at the Parliament of Nepal in November 2015, and it will echo and celebrate messages shared throughout EvalYear. All evaluator gatherings are important, large and small, in every country where our profession is exercised and can be useful to our societies. During EvalYear, we will carry a virtual “2015 evaluation” torch (attached four example) to link the discussions that will happen all over the world around the four selected themes for EvalYear: • Identifying the key future priorities for the global evaluation community to launch the 2016-2020 Global Evaluation Agenda; • Bridging the gap between the evaluation community (supply side) and the policy makers community (demand side), including Parliamentarians, to ensure good quality, equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluations are demanded and used in policy making; • Mainstreaming equity-focused and gender-responsive evaluations in Sustainable Development Goals at international level, and in national development strategies at national level; • Developing equity-focused and gender-responsive National Evaluation policies. The “2015 evaluation” torch, that can/should be customized to the local culture/language/context, will symbolize that we are united in strengthening evaluation, and specifically: • We honor the same ideals of social equity and gender equality in evaluation • We strive for excellence in evaluation • We carry messages (the torch) traveling from evaluation summit to evaluation summit, and the flame grows stronger with the messages each site adds to it • We celebrate our profession, our partnership and 2015 International Year of Evaluation We encourage every evaluation gathering to include: 1. A ceremony of bringing in the Evaluation Torch (created locally in each gathering, or using/adapting the attached virtual one) 2. Use the evaluation torch to brand the festivities you create locally—e.g. agenda, messages, slides, etc 3. A process of discussing messages about the four EvalYear themes (see above) received from previous evaluation gatherings, and generating new messages to share with following evaluation gatherings 4. A ceremony for passing on the Evaluation Torch to other evaluation gatherings We encourage you to let everybody know about events that you plan to do during EvalYear via EvalYear 2015 map at https://evalyear.crowdmap.com/ , as well as by communicating them to Asela Kalugampitiya, EvalPartners Coordinator, at aselakalugampitiya@yahoo.ie We also encourage you to take pictures and videos to share along with your messages, and post them at EvalYear 2015 map at https://evalyear.crowdmap.com/ or send us links as you upload them on your websites and/or YouTube, so we can, in turn, share them with our EvalPartners community. Let’s get ready for EvalYear 2015!
United Nations Resolution on EvalYear The United Nations resolution on evaluation that recognizes the EvalYear will be adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 12, 2014 (it was adopted by the GA second committee in November). You can watch the live stream on December 12 here webtv.un.org. IOCE will share the final text when it is available. We invite you to view a video with Marco Segone (UNEG Vice Chair, Co-Chair of EvalPartners & Director of Evaluation Office at UN Women) as he discusses the 2015 International Year of Evaluation and related events to be held. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_653hxUILY&feature=youtu.be Some of the events planned for 2015 include: • Evaluation Week organized by IAMR and Planning Commission of India to be held from 19-23 January 2015 in Delhi, India • EvalMENA Conference to be held in Cairo, Egypt, from 23-26 February 2015 • Latin-American and Caribbean Monitoring, Evaluation and Systematization Network (RELAC) 4th International Conference to be held in Lima, Peru, from 9-13 March 2015 • United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) evaluation week to be held in New York, USA, from 9-13 March 2015 UK Evaluation Society Conference to be held in London, UK on 13 and 14 May 2015 • Canadian Evaluation Society (CES) conference to be held in Montreal, Canada, from 24-27 May 2015 SEVAL-GEN evaluation conference on 3 and 4 September 2015 • Australasian Evaluation Society (AES) conference to be held in Melbourne, Australia, in September 2015 • International Programme Evaluation Network (IPEN) conference to be held in the last week of September 2015 • National Evaluation Capacities conference and IDEAS Global Assembly to be held in Bangkok, Thailand, in October 2015 • American Evaluation Association (AEA) conference to be held in Chicago, USA, from 7-15 November 2015. Click here to visit the MyM&E website.
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