VOPE Success Stories

In 2014, EvalPartners launched a second call for proposals under its P2P Support Program and invited all qualified VOPEs to apply for small grants based on the implementation of three types of projects:.

• VOPE peer-to-peer projects aimed at exchange of experiences between VOPEs and/or implementation of innovative ideas developed by partner VOPEs;
• Partnership projects between VOPEs and academic institutions aimed at promotion of teaching of evaluation;
• Advocacy projects developed by individual regional and national VOPEs aimed at building enabling environment for evaluation.

The successful VOPEs have now completed the projects and the results can be found within each report provided below. As you will see, the grants provided to the VOPEs have strengthened their capacities and will allow for continued outreach in their evaluation communities. .

AMEA Armenian Monitoring and Evaluation Association

Project Title: M&E for Improved Local Governance System in Armenia

Date of Report: 18/5/2015

Final Narrative Report

Cameroon Development Evaluation Association (CaDEA)

Project Title:Report on the Evaluation Development: From Analysis to Impact Project
Impact Evaluation Strand and Network of Networks

Final Narrative Report

Cambodian Evaluation Society (CamES), Malaysian Evaluation Society (MES)

Project Title: Turning Cambodian Evaluation Society into a Formal VOPE

Date of Report: 04/5/2015

Final Narrative Report

Community of Evaluators, Bangladesh
Evaluation Association of Bhutan (EAB)
Evaluation Community, India
Community of Evaluators, Nepal
Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA)

Project Title: Needs Assessment for Creating Networks Technical Team CoE, South Asia

Date of Report: 15/5/2015

Final Narrative Report


Narrative Report – IOCE Grant to EREN/EvaMENA to organize the EvalMENA 4th General Assembly

Final Narrative Report

Annual Conference Report

Palestinian Evaluation Association (PEA)
Jordan Development Evaluation Association (EvalJordan)

Project Title: The Evaluation Database Enhancement Project

Date of Report: 30/4/2015

Final Narrative Report


EvaluAR – Argentina’s Evaluation Network

Project Title: Supporting 2015 as the International Evaluation Year (EvalYear): achievements and challenges of evaluation in Argentina

Date of Report: 30/4/2015

Final Narrative Report

Washington Evaluators
Kyrgyz National M&E Network
Monitoring and Evaluation Community of Practice (MonEvCoP) of Tajikistan

Project Title: Institutional and Professional Capacity Building Project between Washington Evaluators (USA) and Central Asian VOPEs

Date of Report: 30/1/2015

Final Narrative Report

MEN – Macedonian Evaluation Network
WBEN – Western Balkan Evaluation Network

Project Title: Regional Integration of Macedonian Evaluation Network – MEN

Date of Report: 30/3/2015

Final Narrative Report

MEN – Macedonian Evaluation Network
RoSE – Romanian Society of Evaluators of Romania

Project Title: EVALCOMP RO-MK “Partnership for strengthening of evaluation capacities in Macedonia by promoting exchange of experience among VOPEs with regard to evaluators’ certification of competences and networking”

Date of Report: 01/4/2015

Final Narrative Report

Vietnam Network for Monitoring and Evaluation (VNME)
Malaysian Evaluation Society (MES)

Report on P2P in Vietnam

Final Narrative Report

Malaysian Evaluation Society (MES)
Malaysia University of Science & Technology (MUST)

Project Title: Academic Teaching of Evaluation for Public Officials

Date of Report: 31/3/2015

Final Narrative Report

Réseau Burkinabé de Suivi et Evaluation, Burkina Faso (ReBuSE)
Réseau Nigérien de Suivi et Evaluation, Niger (ReNSE)

Project Title: Filling the inter-generational gap in knowledge and skills in evaluation – twinning junior and senior experts

Date of Report: 31/3/2015

Final Narrative Report

VOPE(s): Red de Mujeres Latinoamericanas y del Caribe en Gestión de Organizaciones (Latin American & Caribbean Women in Management Network) – REDWIM

“Gender and Equity in Evaluations 2.0: From Conventions to Innovations”

Final Narrative Report

ASMEP – Association of Serbian Monitoring and Evaluation Professionals, Serbia
SiES – Slovenian Evaluation Society

Project Title: Enhancing evaluation capacities in Serbia

Date of Report: 30/3/2015

Final Narrative Report

Sri Lanka Evaluation Association (SLEvA)

IOCE Grant to South Asia Parliamentarians Forum for Development Evaluation

Final Narrative Report

Somali Development Evaluation Association (SOMDEA)

Project Title: Public sector monitoring and evaluation training provided to the Somali government employees and carrying out media campaigns to increase the demand for evaluation in the Somalia.

Date of Report: 4/2015

Final Narrative Report

Watch short videos by 25 Key Evaluators Worldwide

Dear colleagues,

In September 2015, the UN General Assembly will endorse the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SDGs are universal, integrated, comprehensive, and have a particular focus on social equity and gender equality. SDGs will shape development strategies at global, regional and national levels for the next 15 years. Thanks to the efforts of the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) and EvalPartners, the SDG Outcome document is calling for country-led evaluation and National Evaluation Capacity Development. We believe that the evaluation community must work together to ensure that evaluation remains relevant and is fit for purpose in a world where development will be guided by the SDGs. This is why EvalPartners is leading a participatory consultative process to define the 2016-2020 Global Evaluation Agenda. During the 2015 International Year of evaluation, thousands of evaluators are contributing their voices and thinking through an online consultation and face-to-face discussions in 77 events all over the world.

EvalPartners has teamed up with Universalia, a Canadian management consulting firm established in 1980, to launch the EvalStory campaign.  Starting today, EvalStory will release two videos per week (see schedule below) presenting messages from top evaluation influencers and members of the wider evaluation community to ensure that the voices of evaluation advocates are heard.

To watch the first two videos, please click https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbg2vuyzWspHFPk3rjJdZhA/feed

We hope you enjoy their messages, wisdom and experience! Please share this announcement with your networks to ensure their voices are heard globally!

Marco Segone and Natalia Kosheleva, EvalPartners Co-chairs

Marie-Hélène Adrien, President, Universalia

EvalStory by

EvalStory – Wrap up video about key priorities and topics for the future of the evaluation practice (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GW8bO7Tx3Mo)

EvalStory – Wrap up video about the ways to strengthen evaluation practice (https://youtu.be/_bKb4viFZQU )

EvalStory – Wrap up video about lessons learnt in evaluation (https://youtu.be/0UHUP0L7VLg )

EvalStory – Wrap up video of all the Evalstories (https://youtu.be/ETkwGRlpWQM)

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