The Evaluators’ Institute has just unveiled their programs for 2018: two programs in the DC region and one in Los Angeles, as well as a December 2017 online course. More information about each course is below.
Project Management and Oversight for Evaluators
Dec 5-14, Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9-12 am EST
An online course from The Evaluators’ Institute The purpose of this course is to provide new and experienced evaluation professionals and funders with strategies, tools and skills to: (1) develop realistic evaluation plans; (2) negotiate needed adjustments when issues arise; (3) organize and manage evaluation teams; (4) monitor evaluation activities and budgets; (5) protect evaluation independence and rigor while responding to client needs; and (6) ensure the quality of evaluation products and briefings. A full description is available on our website:
For more information, contact us at var ZDNYKAyra=”u#tei@cgu.ed#”;
var ZDNYKAyra = ZDNYKAyra.split(‘#’);
document.getElementById(‘ZDNYKAyra’).innerHTML = ZDNYKAyra[1]+ZDNYKAyra[0]+ZDNYKAyra[2];
February-March Program, DC Metro Area
February 26-March 10, 2018
TEI offers 2 weeks of courses on practical topics for the professional evaluator, taught in the DC metropolitan area. All courses count towards our professional certificates in evaluation, and are taught by world-renowned theorists and practitioners. Discounts are available for groups, individuals registering for multiple courses, and early registration. For a full list of courses, visit
For more information, contact us at var mBPwCRdcy = ‘u.e#du##@cg#tei’;
var mBPwCRdcy = mBPwCRdcy.split(‘#’);
document.getElementById(‘mBPwCRdcy’).innerHTML = mBPwCRdcy[4]+mBPwCRdcy[3]+mBPwCRdcy[0]+mBPwCRdcy[1]+mBPwCRdcy[2];
March Program, Claremont CA
March 12-17, 2018
TEI offers a week of courses on practical topics for the professional evaluator, taught in Claremont, CA (near Los Angeles). All courses count towards our professional certificates in evaluation, and are taught by world-renowned theorists and practitioners. Discounts are available for groups, individuals registering for multiple courses, and early registration. For a full list of courses, visit
For more information, contact us at var aQntUKONR = ‘’;
var aQntUKONR = aQntUKONR.split(‘#’);
document.getElementById(‘aQntUKONR’).innerHTML = aQntUKONR[0]+aQntUKONR[2]+aQntUKONR[1];
July Program, DC Metro Area
July 9-21, 2018
TEI’s flagship program offers many courses on practical topics for the professional evaluator, taught across two weeks in the DC metropolitan area. All courses count towards our professional certificates in evaluation, and are taught by world-renowned theorists and practitioners. Discounts are available for groups, individuals registering for multiple courses, and early registration. For a full list of courses, visit
For more information, contact us at var hGXtCxZVi = ‘gu.ed##tei@c#u’;
var hGXtCxZVi = hGXtCxZVi.split(‘#’);
document.getElementById(‘hGXtCxZVi’).innerHTML = hGXtCxZVi[2]+hGXtCxZVi[0]+hGXtCxZVi[3]+hGXtCxZVi[1];