2018 EES Conference Workshop Registrations Now Open!

European Evaluation Society 13th Biennial Conference – Thessaloniki – October 1-5, 2018
“Evaluation for more resilient societies”




One-day workshops take place on Monday, October 1 and Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The EES professional development workshops provide an opportunity for evaluators and evaluation stakeholders, to access high quality, up to date and practically oriented sessions on the ever increasing and rapidly evolving body of evaluation theory and practice.

24 one-day workshops are offered for this 2018 pre-conference session, on topics such as: evaluation approaches, evaluation designs, specific methods related to various themes, evaluation & the SDGs, evaluation & gender equity, evaluation & resilience and evaluation capacity.

For more information on the programme and to register:

For the latest news about the conference: http://www.ees2018.eu/

EES Professional Development Workshop Co-chairs

Albine Guitard
Ian C. Davies, Credentialed Evaluator